Sandor Clegane is a member of House Clegane. He is the younger brother of the current head, Ser Gregor Clegane. He is nicknamed the Hound for his fierce nature and unquestioning obedience to his masters and for the three dogs featured in his family's arms. In the television adaptation Game of Thrones he is played by Rory McCann.
The Hound is considered one of the most dangerous fighters in Westeros. As a child, Sandor received gruesome facial burns when Gregor shoved his face into a brazier. He came to loathe fire, his brother, and the hypocrisy of knighthood in general.
Sandor is the bodyguard and servant of Prince Joffrey Baratheon, who regularly calls him "Dog". Queen Cersei Lannister suggests that he looks to the Hound as a surrogate father. En route from Winterfell to King's Landing, Sandor earns the enmity of Arya Stark by acting on Lannister orders to kill her friend Mycah, the son of a butcher, who is believed to have harmed Joffrey.
Sandor rides well during the first day of the Hand's tourney, unhorsing Lord Renly Baratheon. After that night's feast, Joffrey has Sandor escort Sansa Stark back to the Red Keep. Drunk, despite the final jousts the next day, Sandor becomes enamored with Sansa. Angry that she cannot look him in the eye due to his disfigurement, he mocks her for her polished manners, calling her a "little bird" who chirps on command.
Sandor defeats Ser Jaime Lannister to advance to the finals.Sandor saves Ser Loras Tyrell from the wrath of his brother, Gregor Clegane, during their joust. He fights heatedly with his brother, but kneels when King Robert I Baratheon commands them to stop. Loras allows Sandor to be the champion without a final joust, and the Hound is cheered by Sansa and the smallfolk.
Sandor speaks in a rasping voice.He has a temper,but is dutiful.
When Lord Eddard Stark attempts to take Cersei and her illegitimate children into custody with the help of the gold cloaks—unbeknownst to the fact that Commander Janos Slynt is already under the employ of the treacherous Petyr Baelish—Sandor participates in the widespread slaughter of Eddard's remaining household guard alongside his erstwhile allies, personally killing Cayn.
The Hound also takes Jeyne Poole into custody, placing her in Sansa's room, after breaking down her door with a warhammer.
After Ser Barristan Selmy is dismissed from the Kingsguard, Sandor is named as his replacement despite refusing to become a knight.In this capacity he is often assigned to watch over Sansa, treating her with relative kindness and trying to spare her from Joffrey's sadism.
Sandor is a huge and heavily-muscled man. The left side of his face is gaunt, with sharp cheekbones and a heavy brow, while the right side is a burned ruin with a stump for an ear.Slick black flesh is pocked with craters and deep cracks that ooze red and wet.
The scars extend down to his throat. There is a twisted mass of scar around his right eye, which is still good. Sandor's nose is large and hooked, and his long hair is dark and thin and brushed so that it covers the right since no hair grows there. Sandor's eyes are grey and bone shows on his jaw.
Sandor left to join the Lannister household the same day Gregor came into his inheritance. He claims to have killed a man when he was twelve years old, possibly during Robert's Rebellion, as he was part of Tywin Lannister’s host during the Sack of King's Landing.Sandor has never taken a knight's vows.
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Thursday, June 29, 2017
Catelyn Stark
Lady Catelyn Stark née Catelyn Tully,is the wife of Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North. Together they have five children: Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Rickon.
Catelyn was born into House Tully of Riverrun, the liege lords of the riverlands. She is the eldest daughter of Lord Hoster Tullyand Lady Minisa Whent, and has two younger siblings: Lys and Edmure. She is a major POV character in the books and is portrayed by Michelle Fairley in the television adaptation Game of Thrones.
Catelyn is beautiful, with fair skin, long auburn hair and blue eyes. She has long fingersand high cheekbones. Catelyn resembles her own mother, Minisa Whent. Her own sons Robb, Bran and Rickon, and daughter Sansa take after Catelyn in their coloring.
Catelyn is proud, strong, kind, and generous. She is seen as honorable and upright by acquaintances, holding duty over desire as a governing principle of behavior. Catelyn also has a strong grasp of politics and possesses considerable insight into what makes Westeros run. Nevertheless, Catelyn is also a fiercely protective woman and more often than not follows her heart rather than her head, especially when it comes to her family, whom she loves deeply. She strongly follows the words of House Tully, "Family, Duty, Honor. However, she regards the bastard Jon Snow as an outsider to her family, and has never forgiven Eddard Stark for bringing him into the Stark household. She holds to the Faith of the Seven. Catelyn is the eldest daughter of Lord Hoster Tully, the Lord of Riverrun, head of House Tully and Lord Paramount of the Trident, and his wife, Lady Minisa Whent. She was annointed with the seven oils and named in the sept of Riverrun.
Catelyn had two older brothers, who both died in infancy, causing her father to regard her as his heir until the birth of Catelyn's younger brother, Edmure. Catelyn also has a sister, Lysa, who is two years younger than her. Catelyn was raised at Riverrun. She was close with her sister Lysa, and would play with her two younger siblings, as well as with her father's young ward, Petyr Baelish. Just as her younger siblings and Petyr were wont to do, Catelyn would go to her uncle, Ser Brynden Tully, with her tears and tales, whenever Lord Hoster was too busy, and Lady Minisa was too ill.When Catelyn's mother died in childbirth, along with her son, Lord Hoster told his daugther that she had to be the Lady of Riverrun in her mother's stead.
Catelyn does not have many memories of her mother, though she still remembers her warm smile and soft hands.Her relationship with her father was a close one, and according to Catelyn, Lord Hoster cherished her best of all his children. Whenever Hoster would ride off to court or a battle, he would tell Catelyn to watch for him from the battlements of Riverrun, which she did. And when his eyes tired, Hoster would have Catelyn read to him in his solar. Catelyn and Lysa played together as girls, and even had a secret language. Once, they made mud pies and served them to Petyr, who ate them and as a consequence was sick for a week. Catelyn and Lysa also practised kissing with Petyr in the godswood of Riverrun, where Petyr attempted to stick his tongue in their mouths - an attempt which Catelyn halted, but Lysa both allowed and enjoyed. Catelyn often accompanied her father on his travels, and had visited the inn at the crossroads on multiple occasions. Once, Catelyn, Lysa and Petyr accompanied Hoster to Seagard.
During the journey to the seat of House Mallister, they stopped at Oldstones, where Catelyn had played at being Jenny of Oldstones, while Petyr had pretended to be her Prince of Dragonflies. On their way back from Seagard to Riverrun, Catelyn and Lysa got lost in the mist, and were eventually found by Petyr Baelish.
Catelyn is proud, strong, kind, and generous. She is seen as honorable and upright by acquaintances, holding duty over desire as a governing principle of behavior. Catelyn also has a strong grasp of politics and possesses considerable insight into what makes Westeros run. Nevertheless, Catelyn is also a fiercely protective woman and more often than not follows her heart rather than her head, especially when it comes to her family, whom she loves deeply. She strongly follows the words of House Tully, "Family, Duty, Honor. However, she regards the bastard Jon Snow as an outsider to her family, and has never forgiven Eddard Stark for bringing him into the Stark household. She holds to the Faith of the Seven. Catelyn is the eldest daughter of Lord Hoster Tully, the Lord of Riverrun, head of House Tully and Lord Paramount of the Trident, and his wife, Lady Minisa Whent. She was annointed with the seven oils and named in the sept of Riverrun.
Catelyn had two older brothers, who both died in infancy, causing her father to regard her as his heir until the birth of Catelyn's younger brother, Edmure. Catelyn also has a sister, Lysa, who is two years younger than her. Catelyn was raised at Riverrun. She was close with her sister Lysa, and would play with her two younger siblings, as well as with her father's young ward, Petyr Baelish. Just as her younger siblings and Petyr were wont to do, Catelyn would go to her uncle, Ser Brynden Tully, with her tears and tales, whenever Lord Hoster was too busy, and Lady Minisa was too ill.When Catelyn's mother died in childbirth, along with her son, Lord Hoster told his daugther that she had to be the Lady of Riverrun in her mother's stead.
“The singers make much of kings who valiantly die in battle, but your life is worth more than a sword. To me at least, who gave it to you.”
Catelyn does not have many memories of her mother, though she still remembers her warm smile and soft hands.Her relationship with her father was a close one, and according to Catelyn, Lord Hoster cherished her best of all his children. Whenever Hoster would ride off to court or a battle, he would tell Catelyn to watch for him from the battlements of Riverrun, which she did. And when his eyes tired, Hoster would have Catelyn read to him in his solar. Catelyn and Lysa played together as girls, and even had a secret language. Once, they made mud pies and served them to Petyr, who ate them and as a consequence was sick for a week. Catelyn and Lysa also practised kissing with Petyr in the godswood of Riverrun, where Petyr attempted to stick his tongue in their mouths - an attempt which Catelyn halted, but Lysa both allowed and enjoyed. Catelyn often accompanied her father on his travels, and had visited the inn at the crossroads on multiple occasions. Once, Catelyn, Lysa and Petyr accompanied Hoster to Seagard.
During the journey to the seat of House Mallister, they stopped at Oldstones, where Catelyn had played at being Jenny of Oldstones, while Petyr had pretended to be her Prince of Dragonflies. On their way back from Seagard to Riverrun, Catelyn and Lysa got lost in the mist, and were eventually found by Petyr Baelish.
Jon Snow

Jon Snow is a fictional character in the A song of Ice and fire series of fantasy novels by American author George R.R. Martin, and its television adaptation Game of Thrones. He is a prominent point of view character in the novels, and has been called one of the author's "finest creations" and most popular characters by the song of Ice and fire.Jon is a main character in the TV series, and his story line in the 2015 season 5 finale generated a strong reaction among viewers. Speculation about the character's parentage has also been a popular topic of discussion among fans of both the books and the TV series.
Jon is introduced in 1996's A Game of thrones as the illegitimate son of Ned Stark, the honorable lord of Winterfell, an ancient fortress in the North of the fictional kingdom of Westeros. Knowing his prospects are limited by his status, Jon joins the Night's watch, who guard the far northern borders from the wildlings who live beyond The wall. As the rest of the Starks face grave adversity, Jon finds himself honor bound to remain with the Watch.
"Some woman, no doubt. Most of them are." He favored Jon with a rueful grin. "Remember this, boy. All dwarfs may be bastards, yet not all bastards need be dwarfs."
He joins a scouting party investigating the growing threat from beyond the Wall, and manages to infiltrate the wildlings. Jon learns of their plans to invade Westeros in A strom of Swords, and begins to fall in love with the fierce wildling woman Ygritte. He betrays them—and Ygritte—before they can attack, but the Night Watch's victory comes at a heavy price for Jon. Now the Lord Commander of the Watch, he appears briefly in 2005's A feast for Crows. Jon returns as a prominent character in A dance with Dragon(2011), working to negotiate an alliance between the Night's Watch and the wildlings. The growing animosity he has attracted from among the Watch finally catches up with him, and he is forced to face the dire consequences.
In A Game of Thrones, Jon Snow is introduced as the 14-year-old bastard son of Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell, and half-brother to Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran and Rickon. Jon is described as having strong Stark features with a lean build, long face, dark brown hair and grey eyes. Jon has the surname "Snow" (customarily used for illegitimate children in the North) and is resented by Ned's wife Carelyn, who views him as a constant reminder of Ned's infidelity.Jon is the same age as Robb and enjoys a warm relationship with his siblings, particularly the tomboy Arya (who resembles Jon and like him does not feel like she fits in). Ned treats Jon as much like his other children as propriety and his honor will allow. Still, as somewhat of an outsider, Jon has learned to be independent and to fend for himself when necessary.Jon idolizes his father, but is wounded by Ned's refusal to tell him about his mother.At the beginning of the story, Jon adopts the albino direwolf that he names Ghost. He later finds that at times he can "inhabit" the wolf and share its experiences.
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Eddard Stark
Eddard Stark also known as Ned Stark known as Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North and later Hand of the King to King Robert I Baratheon.. This character is potrayed by Sean Bean. He is the father of Robb, Sansa , Bran, Arya and Rickon and a bastard son Jon Snow, who is later revealed to be his nephew.
Eddard was a trusted, close friend and counselor of King Robert Baratheon. He supported Robert's play for the throne by acting as a general in several major battles. Eddard's sister Lyanna, who was betrothed to Robert, was purportedly kidnapped by Prince Rhaegar Targaryan, igniting a war. Brandon protested the kidnapping, but his attempt to bring Rhaegar to justice failed. Lord Rickard was summoned to court in King's Landing by Aerys, and both Brandon and Rickard were brutally executed by the Mad King.
Eddard was a trusted, close friend and counselor of King Robert Baratheon. He supported Robert's play for the throne by acting as a general in several major battles. Eddard's sister Lyanna, who was betrothed to Robert, was purportedly kidnapped by Prince Rhaegar Targaryan, igniting a war. Brandon protested the kidnapping, but his attempt to bring Rhaegar to justice failed. Lord Rickard was summoned to court in King's Landing by Aerys, and both Brandon and Rickard were brutally executed by the Mad King.
“Why is it always the innocents who suffer most, when you high lords play your game of thrones?”
Their deaths left Eddard to inherit Rickard's responsibilities, serving King Robert instead. Brandon had been betrothed to Catelyn, and Eddard also inherited his brother's bride.Lyanna died in Eddard's arms during the conflict. Despite his happy family life, Eddard still felt the losses of his family quite keenly, often visiting his sister's tomb to light a candle for her as his daughter, Sansa, remembered. Despite barely knowing each other, Eddard and Catelyn formed a strong and loving marriage.
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